Monday, September 26, 2005

Because God has made it plain to them

Heres the thing about change...When you think you've changed for the better all you've done is exchange one addiction with another.
I got that from a TV show I watched tonight.
So true. And an addiction is simply what we idolatrize in life. Its when we transfer worship and homage to some power or object other than God. That can be anything, from vices to "virtues". Aside from all those vices we all know about, its the virtues, the good things that are more easily made into idols. Your addiction, your idolatry could be pleasing your parents, seeking acceptance in friends, gaining approval from co-workers, desiring a loving relationship, loving your children too much. All of those things can become addictions and idols. One of the scariest books I've ever read was CS Lewis's "The Great Divorce". The reason it was scary was because it showed how even "good" people can turn "good" things into addictions and idols. (Its a must read for everyone)
Ever wonder why you feel distant from God even though there is no external and clearly visible idol or addiction in your life.
I bet its not a vice thats keeping you from the peace of God but something that God created for good that has been distorted by our sinful nature and put above God.
Idolatry in any form will result in moral decline and in guilt.
Here is something I read from JI Packer tonight..."Fallen humankind is in one sense ignorant of God, since what people like to believe, and in fact believe, about the objects of their worship falsifies and distorts the revelation of God they cannot escape.
In another sense, however, all human beings remain aware of God, guiltily, with uncomfortable inklings of coming judgement that they wish they did not have. Only the gospel of Christ can speak peace to this distressful aspect of the human condition."


At 9/27/05, 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

convicted....this is so reminds me of the verse in James, where he says what causes fights and quarrels among you is it not your desires....

At 9/27/05, 8:41 AM, Blogger kathrynthomas said...

i'm reminded of c.s. lewis in the four loves: "Love ceases to be a demon only when it ceases to be a God."

At 9/27/05, 11:55 AM, Blogger Larry said...

That's very true, man.

We tend to forget that God should supercede all else in our lives. Yeah, he gave us our families, our jobs, our health, and He wants us to enjoy them, but not at the expense of the close, personal relationship with Him.

And the faster life becomes the easier it becomes to replace God with our "positive" idols.

At 9/27/05, 2:43 PM, Blogger Larry said...

Oh, btw, Candice tagged me and I tag you!


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