Tuesday, March 21, 2006

V is for Vendetta and for Voluptuously Vainly Leftist Propaganda

Unmasking the Real Vendetta.

This movie is blatantly and unabashadly anti-Bush, anti-conservative, anti-American, anti-absolutes, anti-Christian.

I am almost walked out of the movie.

If you don't believe me, the below link is further proof of how bad this movie is. This article is not biased, simple truth about actual facts within the movie.
Check out this article.

DO NOT waste your time on V for Vendetta.
The one thing the movie had right was that morals have declined in America.
If you really want to waste your money then put 7 dollars in an envelope and send me the money.
(If you really want to do this then I will provide my address at your request)

By the way, the original writer of the comic book, disowned the movie writers and wanted nothing to do with the movie.
Kudos to him.


At 3/22/06, 3:51 PM, Blogger Larry said...

Thanks for the forewarning. I was planning on seeing this with people from work, but now I'll definitely pass.

The Wachowski brothers ruined the Matrix by trying to cram the last 2 movies full of half-baked philosophy. Instead, the movies ended up convoluted and boring. Now they think that they can shove anti-Bush and anti-America political propaganda into this movie and get my money. Sorry, but I was willing to blacklist their movies just from The Matrix trilogy. This just seals the deal.

Thanks for the info, man!

At 3/27/06, 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, not to pass over your point in this very "heated" blog of yours BUT have you seen Crash (the movie that won best picture)? It was absolutely incredible, even though it didn't gross as much $$ as Narnia, it cannot be compared to the other Oscar nominated movies. Just and FYI

At 3/30/06, 3:54 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

Yes...I saw crash and it was definately better than V but to be honest with you I need to watch it again to make sure I can critically analyze it...but out of all the movies nominated it is the only one I saw.


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