Why do we blog?
Why do we blog?
Expression. To articulate. To comment. To formulate. To communicate. To assert. To utter. To speak.
To manifest oneself.
Why do we want to manifest ourselves to others? To express is to be known. We all want to be known.
And expression through the written word is one way to do that. We all long for expression.
Right now...that desire is penetrating through my fingers sent from my brain where my eyes can visually see the output of my heart.
And now there is something altogether different taking place. Have you ever known an expression that occurs not because you desire to be known but simply to express? You become totally aware that most of your life your expressions purpose was simply to gain something in return. But now....its different. You express because you have peace. The desire to express selfishly vanishes like a fog lifting. A brighter world exists.
You feel it so strongly it makes you realize your finally alive.
It's as if you have awaken from a long slumber and the routine and familiar things in your life become new.
Your eyes gleam and your step is light and yet deliberate. You realize where your feet are taking you.
You notice people and things that all too often pass on by.
You smile with your eyes. Its like you have a secret that no one else knows about and you wonder if they can see it in your face.
This moment is special. To live outside yourself. To live for something greater.
......and then.....***poof*** ......it's gone....we descend like a feather in the air....and we settle.
we settle for many things.
I settle for BBQ Ribs only.
Or maybe that's I break for BBQ Ribs. I don't remember.
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