Friday, May 05, 2006

Navy Corpsman’s Good Works Live On

A very touching story from Afghanistan. A story you won't hear from the media.

JALALABAD, Afghanistan, April 4, 2006 — When U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class John Fralish was killed Feb. 6 during a firefight with insurgents in Laghman Province, in eastern Afghanistan, it was by no means the end of his remarkable story – or his legacy.

"That whole village mourned John’s death along with us. All those who served with John are deeply affected by his loss. To see Afghan villagers also affected is a true testament to the character and type of person John was."

Continue Story Here.


At 5/5/06, 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to recent disturbing posts, I'm now removing your blog from my "favorites" list.

At 5/5/06, 4:29 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

dont know if thats a joke or a real comment.
so i will wait to respond to that comment until further confirmation.
but yes, sometimes the truth can be disturbing.

At 6/21/06, 9:18 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

Enough time has passed for you to have informed me that your insensitve comment was a joke. I therefore will take it seriously and I am more than glad for you to stop viewing my blog. Apparently truth is offensive to you.
Apparently, whoever you are, you side with evil people who think their way to heaven involves cutting peoples heads off and selling the DVD's to children. You side with people who yell, God is great, as they use a dull knife to slowly cut a man's head off as he screams for mercy and drowns in his own gurgling blood.
If you want to stop viewing my blog, then you sir are an enemy of our state and you are already lost and the truth only motivates you towards more hatred and evil.


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